Range OF Services

I offer complete research in all kinds of archives (state, church, nobility, city, company archives etc.).


This profound research will be carried out in church records, civil registration records and other relevant documents at the archives (e.g. court records, taxation lists, official accounts, petitions, correspondence etc.) all over Germany. I have excellent paleographical knowledge. In many cases people fail, because they are not able to read the old German handwriting.


Besides I am a specialist for the former German provinces eg. Alsace-Lorraine, Pomerania, Silesia, East Brandenburg, West Prussia, East Prussia, Posen and for the Sudetenland and Bohemia.



Pedigree: If you are interested, you can get the research outcome as file for the genealogical programme Personal Ancestral File (paf). Another way is to print the pedigree in a nice graphical form with the programme ages.


Transliteration of documents, letters etc.: Do you despair of the old handwriting in your document? Is a letter unreadable for you? Send me a scan or pdf file and you will get a detailed transliteration line by line (Conversion into modern script). Transliterations will be done fast and accurate.


Help with general questions concerning genealogical research 


Research in books and magazines: Are there online or printed familiy books, or books with information about the inhabitants of a parish? Are members of your family mentioned in the "Deutsches Geschlechterbuch" or in other genealogical magazines? Is there relevant information in other books or in collections of pedigrees?

Heraldry-Search for family weapons


Place of origin: If you don´t know, where your ancestors came from in Germany, I can try to find this out.


How is this research carried out?

You contact me with your request first. Then you hand over to me all the information, that you already have and give me the exact names and dates. We will talk about the person to start with.

After that, I´ll start a preliminary research concerning the available archival material (church records, civil registration records, other documents and files etc.) and the places, where it is collected.

If you only have the place name, where your ancestors used to live in Germany, I have to find out the parish. After that I will check, when the church records start and if they are available. If we are in times before the beginning of the church records, I will look for relevant archival material, that could be helpful for further research.

After that I will make an appointment with the archive and the research can begin.


Adequate analysis and presentation of the research outcome: You will get the research outcome in form of a clearly arranged text. All your ancestors receive a Kekule number. The proband (1), his father (2), his mother (3), the paternal grandparents (4+5) and the maternal grandparents (6+7) and so on. In this manner you retain overview of your ancestry and you will be able to relate persons easily.

Furthermore my customers receive the entries in the documents in full wording and not just names and dates. That way family connections are reproducible even after many years.

After that, there will be suggestions and estimations concerning further research.


Genealogical Research

Dr. Thomas Friedrich Heldt

Historian and genealogist

Reventlouallee 29

24105 Kiel



Please contact me via email:




or call  049 431 70578880


or use the contact form.


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