About me

As postdoctoral historian and experienced genealogist, I am the competent and reliable partner concerning your genealogical research.

My subjects at university were history and art history, which form an excellent basis for my self-employed profession.

I have nearly 40 years experience in genealogy, thereof 20 years self-employed. During this time, I have achieved great competence in this field.

I really take the time for your individual needs and wishes. I will show you more possibilities for a sucessful research and give you a hand to find more relevant archival material.

I stick to the agreed budget. We will dicuss further research possibilities in advance.

Even smaller research requests are welcome and will be done with the same accuracy.

A close contact to my customers guarantee a smooth course of our research.


Genealogical Research

Dr. Thomas Friedrich Heldt

Historian and genealogist

Reventlouallee 29

24105 Kiel



Please contact me via email:




or call  049 431 70578880


or use the contact form.


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